How to Successfully Downsize Before Your Next Move

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How to Successfully Downsize Before Your Next Move

Moving can be a stressful and overwhelming experience. This is especially true if you are downsizing your living space. Whether you’re moving to a smaller home or simply decluttering your space, the process of downsizing can be daunting. However, with a little planning and organization, it doesn’t have to be. This article will explore some tips and tricks for successfully downsizing before your next move.

1. Start With a Plan

The first step to successfully downsizing is to have a plan. What are your goals? What do you want to accomplish by decluttering and downsizing your belongings? Once you have a clear understanding of your goals, you can begin to decide what to keep and what to get rid of.

2. Create a Timeline

If you’re moving soon, you will need to create a timeline for downsizing your belongings. Start by going through your home and making a list of everything you want to keep. Then, start sorting your belongings into three categories:

  • Keep: These are items you absolutely want to keep and take with you when you move.
  • Donate: These are items you no longer need or want but that are still in good condition and could be useful to others. You can donate these items to a local charity or thrift store.
  • Sell: These are items you no longer need or want that are also in good condition and could be sold for a profit. You can sell these items online, at a garage sale, or at a consignment shop.

3. Get Rid of the Clutter

Once you have sorted your belongings into the three categories, it’s time to get rid of the clutter. Begin by donating or selling items you no longer need or want. Next, take a close look at the items you’ve decided to keep and identify items that are of little real value to you. If an item doesn’t serve a purpose or bring you joy, get rid of it. Remember, the goal is to downsize your belongings, not simply move them from one location to another.

4. Invest in Storage Solutions

If you’re moving to a smaller home, you’ll need to be creative with your storage solutions. Look for furniture that serves multiple purposes, such as a coffee table with built-in storage or a daybed that can be used as a sofa during the day and a bed at night. You can also invest in storage containers and bins to help keep your belongings organized and out of the way.

5. Hire a Professional

If you’re feeling overwhelmed by the downsizing process, don’t hesitate to hire a professional. A professional organizer can help you declutter your home, pack your belongings, and even find storage solutions for your new home. If you have don’t know where to find an organizer, your moving company may be able to recommend one.

Even though in 2017, about 62% of people stayed in the same county after their move, it does not mean you need to move with everything you own. If you are moving to a smaller home or simply want to live a more minimalist lifestyle, follow these tips for downsizing your belongings before your next move. You’ll be glad you did.

Looking for a reliable moving company to help you with your downsizing move? Contact us today for a free quote. We’re happy to help.

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